Exploring Speech Technology in the Context of AI and Safety

Exploring Speech Technology in the Context of AI and Safety
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Talk details

Title: Exploring Speech Technology in the Context of AI and Safety
Speaker: Prof. Jennifer Williams, (PhD, The University of Edinburgh), Assistant Professor, University of Southampton
Date: 7th July 2024
Time: 2:30 PM (IST)


This talk illuminates key revelations as to how the discipline of speech technology is changing. Recent global attitudes toward AI safety may impact technical work while also providing new research opportunities. This talk will explore recent work on voice privacy research as well as speech analysis in the healthcare domain for clinical decision support.

Speaker’s bio

Dr. Jennifer Williams is an Assistant Professor at the University of Southampton, where she is PI/Co-PI on several large interdisciplinary projects, including voice anonymisation, deepfake detection, public perceptions of speech technology, speech paralinguistics for medical applications, and AI regulation. She is also the South England Engagement Director and Co-I on the new EPSRC National Edge AI Hub, which is a consortium of 12 universities in the UK. She completed her PhD at the University of Edinburgh on representation learning for speech signal disentanglement, while working part-time in industry on edge-device voice recognition. She is Chair of the ISCA special interest group on Security and Privacy in Speech Communication (SPSC-SIG) and a member of the NIST-OSAC subcommittee on speaker recognition for forensic science.
